Silverlight unit test project templates
March 25, 2008
In my introductory post about the Silverlight unit testing work we’ve done, I also included some Visual Studio project and item templates that make it easier to add tests to your own apps and class libraries. Here’s that information in one place:
Test Project (8.8k)
To install the template, save this file into your “%userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ProjectTemplates” directory
This project template is used for adding tests to your existing Silverlight solution. To use the test project once added to your project, simply right-click on it, set it as the ‘StartUp project’ and begin debugging.
Test Class (8.0k)
To install, save this into “%userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ItemTemplates”
This is a simple test class template that includes the unit test metadata namespace, a sample test class, and a single inconclusive test method.
What hookup is performed by the test project
Test projects meet these conditions:
- Are Silverlight application types, not class libaries
- Reference the unit test framework assemblies built for Silverlight
- Are packed up into a .Xap that itself includes the unit test framework assemblies
- Do not contain Page.xaml or Page.xaml.cs files, instead the RootVisual is set to UnitTestSystem.CreateTestPage(this)
- Typically just dynamically generates a test page, although you can use the development web server or an IIS/Apache installation just fine as well
Hope this helps!