Accessing JavaScript arrays using the HTML DOM interop
April 10, 2008
The documentation on the HTML DOM interoperability feature is definitely a little sparse today, but with the Beta 1 release of Silverlight 2, the APIs are very useful for getting a lot done. Since we went for parity with JavaScript, it’s a super rich way to interact with existing AJAX controls and the web browser.
A very common request I hear is “how in the world do I access elements in a JavaScript array in managed code” ?
Since a JavaScript array is just a JavaScript object, and the array indices are just numbered properties, that means GetProperty is your answer.
Create a JavaScript array
Use the Eval method on the window to create a new array in JavaScript. The ScriptObject reference allows you to interact with it:
Get a JavaScript array’s length
Return a single element
Individual elements are stored as numbered properties, just use GetProperty with the index of interest to retrieve an element:
A key developer in the Silverlight project for bringing this code is Wilco Bauwer, his first post on the HTML DOM interop is here.
Hope this helps!