AutoCompleteBox: Video introduction
October 30, 2008
A video introduction to the AutoCompleteBox control that shipped with the Silverlight Toolkit. This is a 720p HD video.
I'm also publishing an introductory guide to the control that can be read here.
Duration: 12m:55s
Description: This video walks you through the AutoCompleteBox control and its samples that shipped with the Toolkit.
- Advanced scenarios
- Basic examples
- The core AutoCompleteBox behavior properties
- Running the unit tests
Take this video on the road:
Download for Zune (WMV, 46MB)
Download for iPod/iPhone (M4V, 26MB)
Download for Windows Media Player (WMV, 107MB)
See also:
Introducing the AutoCompleteBox
AutoCompleteBox: The 5 things you need to know
p.s. This Silverlight 2-powered video was encoded using Expression Encoder 2 Service Pack 1 that was just released today.
I'm going to try and make any future screencasts come in under 5 minutes.